Electric Ireland to leave Northern Ireland electricity market

In a move that will surprise many people one of the more well-known energy suppliers in Northern Ireland, Electric Ireland, have confirmed they are to exit the market following a strategic business review.

The company has currently around 53,000 domestic customers in Northern Ireland which is well below its high point of 96,000 customers that it had at the end of 2022. Electric Ireland have confirmed that they will continue to supply business customers in Northern Ireland.


I’m an Electric Ireland customer – what will happen?


In their statement Electric Ireland have not confirmed a date for when they will cease supply to domestic customers and exit the market. It is likely that this will be confirmed following engagement with the Utility Regulator and indeed the company confirmed they are doing this to ensure ‘a managed approach’.

For customers it is important to realise that they will not lose supply or be disconnected – the lights will stay on.

Electric Ireland is not the first supplier to leave the energy market – Bright Energy left in 2022, and Open Electric left the market in 2016. When a supplier leaves the market there is a regulatory process in place to ensure customers are protected and do not lose supply. This process is called the Supplier of Last Resort, which ensures that no customers are left without supply due to their supplier exiting the market.

In each of these previous cases customers were transferred to Power NI.


Are there any steps I can take now?


When previous suppliers announced they were exiting the market this was accompanied with a date for the exit and confirmation that the Supplier of Last Resort process would kick in.

This will likely happen following further engagement between Electric Ireland and the Utility Regulator but currently we do not know when the exit will happen and when customers will be transferred to a new supplier. However, it is important to note that you will remain on supply throughout this period.

As no exit date has yet been announced there is no reason to stop you taking control and switching to a new supplier. It is true to say that over the last few years Electric Ireland did not have the most competitive deals so you could actually save money by switching.

It’s quick and easy to find a cheaper deal with ‘Power to Switch’. Despite Electric Ireland’s exit, there are still other energy suppliers and over 40 tariffs in the local market, meaning you’ll have plenty of choice.

Other things that you can do now ….

  • Take an up-to-date meter read and submit this to Electric Ireland via your online account or call centre.
  • Bill Pay customers should review their latest bill to see if there is any credit on their account. If there is a build up of credit you can request a refund
    (Remember if you switch any credit on your account will also be refunded)


Communication from Electric Ireland


Over the next few weeks, it is likely that Electric Ireland will confirm its plans for exiting the market which will include dates and the process for ensuring customers are transferred to a new supplier.

Keep an eye out for this communication and if you have any questions get in touch with their customer service team.

Phone: 0345 600 5335 (8.30am – 7pm Mon – Fri, excluding bank holidays)
FreePhone: 0800 313 4926 (8.30am – 7pm Mon – Fri, excluding bank holidays_
Email: customerservice@electricireland.com


Get in touch


Are you an Electric Ireland customer? Are you surprised to hear the news from the supplier? Let us know in the comments below or get in touch with us on facebook or twitter and Instagram.



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